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Women in Business

General View

The globalization of the market economy, the rise in educational levels, and the growth of overseas businesses have boosted the economic role of women in Ukraine. In turn, Ukrainian women are bringing about positive changes in their lives and fostering the development of a pluralistic and democratic society through their involvement in the country’s business sector.

In the rural areas, however, low awareness levels, lack of information, underpaid work, large-scale migration, and the prevalence of organized crime undermine women’s development.

Legal Rights

Women in Ukraine have all the legal rights of men. They were granted suffrage in 1919. Ukraine’s customary and civil laws of property inheritance are fair, with sons and daughters inheriting parents' property equally in the absence of a will.

Pay disparities exist in Ukraine, with studies showing that the average salary of a woman is 30 percent less than that of a man. The pay differential is particularly significant in the energy and healthcare sectors.

Women in Professions

Teaching and nursing are two of the most common jobs held by women in Ukraine. Sectors such as retail trade, finance, insurance, culture, catering, data and information processing, and social security also have a large female presence in their workforces. Many women are also foraying into traditionally male-dominated sectors such as forestry, construction, the manufacture of machines and materials, logistics, and the processing industry.

Although there are quite a few female heads of companies in Ukraine, women in general are discriminated against and have to struggle harder than men for promotions and recognition. 

Women are prohibited from working in hazardous jobs. Pregnant women are not allowed to work night shifts.

Working mothers usually rely on members of the extended family, grandparents in particular, to help with childcare. Urban and rural children under the age of seven attend state-sponsored daycare centers.

Women as Business Owners

Many Ukrainian women contribute to the country’s burgeoning market economy through their entrepreneurial activities, but business banking in Ukraine is in its fledgling stage and the lack of credit facilities and capital affects both genders, women in particular. Most women initiate their businesses by self-financing or with financial support from family and friends. A vast majority of female-owned businesses involve the retail and service sectors, although food processing and the manufacture of clothing and textiles are also well represented.